返回目錄 / 投資類智慧合約DEFI

2022-06-29 / 673
移動程式,會籍管理,企業服務,上云服務 / 分佈式應用,電子商務,會籍系統,區塊鏈,金融管理,理財工具



合約地址:https://testnet.bscscan.com/address/0x5f78048efea8e50821681bfabf280319d254adfc (點擊可查看



支持錢包:MetaMask / imtoken / TPwallet / 其他區塊鏈錢包


Please prepare your wallet, currently this DEMO is based on BSC, you can use the METMASK wallet to operate.

1) Switch the wallet network to the BSC test network. The information is as follows:

  • Network Name: BSC TEST

  • RPC URL:https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/

  • Chain ID: 97

  • Symbol: BNB

  • Testnet browser URL: https://testnet.bscscan.com/

2) Visit the testnet faucet URL: https://testnet.binance.org/faucet-smart to get BNB for testing.

3) Add test token USD, please click on the telegram on the page to ask me for free test USD.

4) Refresh this page again to use it.

5) You need to click Allow DAPP to access your wallet address, note that this will not bring you any loss.

6) After that, you need to click the Authorize button, note that this won't cost you anything and is only allowed on testnet.

7) Wait for a while, the Authorize button will change to the Invest button. You can use it officially.